Thursday 24 March 2011

Cage fighters also seek advice in aesthetics

The aesthetic industry continues to grow at a rapid rate as more and more people realise the benefits of cosmetic enhancement. Sportsmen and women who take part in activities that can cause damage and disfigurement to their faces, are turning to the corrective procedures offered by practitioners today. In particular, cage fighters are opting for the more aesthetic methods in facial repair. The very nature of cage fighting and mixed martial arts (MMA), which allows minimal protective padding on the gloves, entails that fighters’ faces are more susceptible to physical damage and thus require restoration.

Professional cage fighter, Tim Newman, is testament to this new trend. On deforming his cheekbone during one of his fights last year, Tim was fortunate enough that his sister, aesthetic practitioner Chantalle Coombes, trainer at Aesthetic Academy+ was on hand to advise him on what to do. Although at first glance he appeared to have hollowing in his cheek, a fantastic case for cheek augmentation, on thorough examination it transposed that he had infact broken the bone, Chantalle was able to instruct him to seek surgical repair instead. When scarring occurs, non-injectable practices, such as dermal fillers and the dermal roller, can serve to naturally aid marking and restore face shape to its former glory.
If anyone can help to defy the supposed emasculating preconceptions associated with aesthetics, then it would most definitely be fighters!

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