Wednesday 6 October 2010

Access to Nurse Prescribing

During the BACN the nurse prescribing was an issue that was discussed in a positive light. Andrew McKewan kindly praised aesthetic nurses at being brilliant entrepreneurs. He discussed the issue that independent nurse prescribing for the V300 course, can be found at reasonable value and needn't be expensive.

Universities are offering nurses prescribing ranging from £500- £2000, an article in the Cosmetic News Magazine revealed a website with a summary of various universities offering the course and their prices. (Thanks to Marion Brown for finding it for us.) There is of course another unique avenue to take, which is via Intraderm at £3,900. This is fantastic for practitioners who need additional support from within the aesthetic industry and who can't find themselves a doctor for a mentor. Intraderm also offer additional teaching days and additional teaching hours after the University's teaching hours.

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