Monday 24 January 2011

BACN Meeting South West

I met up with the South West leader of the BACN in the Bristol today and met some fantastic nurse members from the South West. Lots of nurses often ask, what can the BACN offer me? To start with, they are a great organisation that helps and supports aesthetic nurses. There is of course the support offered by the board, but most importantly are the networking opportunities they bring with the other members, that means nurses can stand as one voice and feel supported by their peers. Not only that but nurses can stay at the forefront of changes within the industry and are told first about future conferences that arise (very important when there as limited spaces, as with Florence Barrett-Hill’s 4 day seminar on skin analysis).

A common discussion at today’s meeting, was the need to raise standards and awareness within the industry, brought about the possibility of having a code of conduct that conscientious practitioners want to adhere to. Not that, that wasn’t the case already, it was obvious that our vocational training and nursing code of conduct had already made us all practitioners who wanted to offer the best treatments and work within high standards of care. The BACN only represent a small number of aesthetic nurses, and it’s vitally important that more nurses join to increase credibility of nurses within this industry.

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