Tuesday 21 September 2010

Facial Anatomy

Facial Anatomy at the BACN with the guest speaker, Appolonius Allen, an anatomist says, imagine this scenario.

"you have a patient who returns 2 weeks post a botulinum toxin treatment to the crows feet and returns with a right facial droop, causing the corner of the mouth to drop. Imagine the father of your patient is the anatomist"

Patient's Father "Tell me how you treated my daughter?"
Nurse "I injected into the obicularis oculi muscle, so this couldn't be caused my treatment"
Patient's Father "How do you know you didn't cause that droop? The origin of the zygomaticus major sit's under the obicularis oculi and contracts with it too. Are you positive this didn't happen?"

As practitioners, we need to be confident in our competence, and so, many nurses on the day of the conference left hungry to learn more and are eager to gain more knowledge of facial anatomy, and ensure they can minismise complications. As a result we have teamed up with an experienced practitioner, who will deliver a facial anatomy tutorial, covering everything from skin, to muscles, nerves and vessels to the bone in January 2011.

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