Friday 6 August 2010

Ugly Face of Beauty - Channel 4

Missed the Ugly Face of Beauty on Channel 4? Click the title of this blog entry to take you to the Channel 4 website and watch, what has angered lots of practitioners in the Aesthetic Industry.

As the show focused on the complications of permanent fillers, and failed to explain the difference between permanent and temporary fillers, it has had a detrimental affect on practitioners in the industry who use temporary fillers, where these side effects are actually much rarer. These complications include inflammation, migration, lump formation and scarring. Which has lead to practitioners criticism of the scare mongering.

Your customers can also become concerned following the programme, if they assume that all dermal fillers products are all the same. Hence the need to educate our customers and let them know the benefits of temporary dermal fillers over permanent fillers.

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